Apple Teacher Professional Learning For ACT 48 Credit
APPLE TEACHER is a continuous program created to support and celebrate educators around the world. The program provides self-paced learning experiences with tips, inspiration, news, and learning materials to help teachers use the iPad, Mac, and built-in apps in the classroom. Teachers can earn badges and an official “Apple Teacher” recognition to share the achievement with the world.
I have completed the Apple Teacher program in no time and highly recommend it! I believe that this program is an excellent starting point for any teacher—and it reaffirms the skills of teachers with more technology integration experience with recognition. At the same time, the process for earning badges is set up to suggest classroom activities for even advanced Apple technology users. Teachers can choose to pursue either iPad or Mac training paths—or complete them both.
Technology Integration for iPad and Mac
Discovery likes this program so much that we have worked in to create a blended learning professional development to give teachers ACT 48 Credit Hours. The online learning part of the course is the APPLE TEACHER program. The Apple Teacher program is comprised of online training sessions that can be completed over a period of time by earning badges.
iPad Online Activities
Each activity is credited 30 minutes:
Pages for iPad
Keynote for iPad
Numbers for iPad
iMovie for iPad
GarageBand for iPad
Productivity with iPad
Creativity with iPad
Mac Online Activities
Each activity is credited 30 minutes:
Pages for Mac
Keynote for Mac
Numbers for Mac
iMovie for Mac
GarageBand for Mac
Productivity with Mac
Creativity with Mac
Swift Playgrounds Activities
Each activity is credited 30 minutes:
Swift Playgrounds
Coding Concepts
Swift Code
Coding in the Classroom
Several Options
Any teacher can sign up for and complete all or part of the APPLE TEACHER program and receive Apple’s badges and/or Apple’s Apple Teacher recognition.

Teachers who successfully complete the iPad Online Activities, Mac Online Activities or Swift Playground Activities may earn up to 10 ACT 48 HOURS.
Complete 8 Apple Teacher iPad online sessions (30 minutes each) = 4 ACT 48 CREDIT HOURS
Complete 8 Apple Teacher Mac online sessions (30 minutes each) = 4 ACT 48 CREDIT HOURS
Complete 4 Apple Teacher SWIFT sessions (30 minutes each) = 2 ACT 48 CREDIT HOURS
Online Learning
Each online learning session delivered through the Apple Teacher program includes a multi-touch digital book that is downloaded from the iBooks Store. These books are written specifically for teachers and include ideas for using Apple apps and devices in the classroom.

Teachers demonstrate mastery by completing a summative evaluation at the end of each activity. Each successfully completed module results in the teacher earning a digital "badge." The successful completion of all eight digital badges in the iOS category or all four digital badges in Swift Playground also allows the teacher to earn an "Apple Teacher 2019" recognition.

The summative quizzes at the end of each online session include several types of questions, including multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and drag-to-reorder questions. A few of the questions, especially in the productivity and creativity activities, suggest interesting ways of using apps in real-world situations.

This question presents potential uses for several iPad apps.
How to Earn Act 48 Credits
Step 1: Sign up for the Apple Teacher program
Use your personal Apple ID to sign up for APPLE TEACHER PROGRAM.
Step 2: Log each of your Apple Teacher learning experiences
as you complete each digital badge.
Step 3: Attend Two out of four After School Apple Teacher Meetings
You must attend any two meetings during your online training to complete the course requirements to receive Act 48 credit hours.
Future Opportunities
Hopefully, this blended learning structure will be replicable for future ACT 48 CREDIT opportunities AT JYK DCS. Whether you plan to only participate in the Apple Teacher program or also pursue ACT 48 credits through the blended learning course, best of luck! We hope to see the Apple Teacher 2019 recognition in many JYK DCS email signatures and elsewhere.